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Fermob is the global leader when it comes to installations in public spaces like the Times Square (New York), Paris Plage (Paris), Wanderlust (Paris), Musee D’oakland (San Fransisco) and many more places of repute. Owning a piece of furniture from them is like having blossoms bloom on a lush green patch. The brand has been manufacturing outdoor furniture for more than 20 years to make terraces and gardens more attractive. Using simple mechanisms, such as folding, storing, and transporting, Fermob furniture, is created from steel and aluminum and is a pure delight. The range is designed by internationally acclaimed designers like Pascal Mourgue, Frederic Sofia, Harald Guggenbichler. The exquisite range is protected by exclusive Fermob coatings and processes against corrosion that are among the most powerful in Europe. Fermob was the first company in the furniture industry to sign the VARAPE** agreement. - 10 years ago; Fermob invested in an emission-free coating system that uses exclusively solvent-free paints. - 20 years ago, Fermob product developers and designers put great importance on respecting the requirements of sustainable development, in particular in regard to the effort to ease as well as optimize the use raw materials in packaging.

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